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[ Distributor / Stockist of M/s. K-Link Healthcare (India) Ltd.,]
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Ayurveda - FAQs

What is the history of Ayurvedic herbs?

Ayurveda is a 5,000 years old science, using plants as a source of medicine. Ayurveda is made up of two words “Ayur” plus “Veda”, “Ayur” means life while “Veda” means science. Thus Ayurveda is the science of life. 

Where does Ayurvedic treatment normally used today?

Ayurvedic treatment is most widely used in Asian countries as compared to Western countries like USA and Europe , Ayurvedic system of treatment is gaining tremendous popularity because of the safety and efficacy of these products. 

Does Ayurvedic form of medicine have any side effects / reaction? K-LINK Ayurveda products are made from time tested herbs and they work without causing any side effects.

Does one need dietary constraints during Ayurvedic medication?

For faster efficacy it is essential to follow the dietary advice during Ayurvedic medication.

How does Ayurvedic system of treatment work? Ayurvedic treatment does not merely suppress the symptoms; it attacks the root of the disorder and offers a cure.

Why does K-LINK Ayurvedic product is a must? 

The main distinguishing factor of the Ayurvedic approach is that it advocates that this form of 'medication' must become part of a 'lifestyle' approach. To explain this in another way - when we get into our car, we strap on the seat belts. This is not done because we are deliberately going to crash into some other vehicle or become involved in some accident, but it is done because it provides a safety feature that in the event that there is an accident, one is protected from serious injury. Similarly, the regular usage of Ayurvedic products provides the best barrier and safety protection against most types of illnesses.

During Ayurvedic treatment, can existing sicknesses turn more serious? No. Even in very rare cases if the herbal products are not working, the ailments or the patient's condition did not worsen. When patients are on painkillers, starting them on Ayurvedic treatment may take time for herbal supplements to show results.

Does Ayurvedic treatment provide a 100 % cure?

If the disorder or ailment is treated during the initial stages in most cases a 100% cure is attainable. In chronic disorders or ailments there is immense relief through Ayurvedic treatment without side effects.

Are Ayurvedic products suitable or compatible to all individuals? Yes. As they are natural products, they are suitable and compatible to all living creatures.

Are Ayurvedic products addictive when taken during prolonged medication?

Generally Ayurvedic products are not habit forming or addictive

Does a healthy body and mind need Ayurvedic herbal products?

Ayurveda promotes health. It is necessary top take Ayurvedic products along with daily diet, particularly tonics.

Do we need to take Ayurvedic products after recovery?

Yes, you need to take Ayurvedic products after recovery as a maintenance dose, especially tonics for your well-being.

Why do some people feel excessive heat, thirst and an increase in body temperature after consuming Ayurvedic medicines? Some people have excessive pitta (fire / heat) in the body. This pitta is aggravated and leads to temperature-like symptoms when they eat heat-generating foods, drink excessive alcohol, etc. AyuLite is recommended to combat this burning and temperature sensation.

Why do some people, after taking Ayurvedic products, feel sleepy and tired?

If a patient is unwell, it is natural to be sleepy and tired. Normally, Ayurvedic products will not make a patient tired or sleepy. On the contrary, patients taking Ayurvedic products will feel fresh and energetic. Normally, Ayurvedic products need to be taken over a period of six to eight weeks to impact the illness.

What is the difference between Ayurvedic tonics and conventional vitamins?

Ayurvedic tonics are made up of a blend of herbs and are therefore natural products, whereas allopathic tonics are synthetic chemical derivatives.

Do we need to take Ayurvedic herbal tonic as long-term food supplements? If so, why?

Ayurvedic medical science stresses the need to rejuvenate the person, and slow down the ageing process. To keep a healthy and a fit body, Ayurvedic herbal tonics are recommended.

Do Ayurvedic herbs have mineral and nutritional value?

Yes, all herbal medicines provide nutritional and mineral value in varying amounts. The nature and type of mineral offered in each is also differentiated. Depending on the specific herbal supplement taken, the nutritional value will vary. 


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                  SutharyA Health Cares,

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