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Gamat Extract Emulsion

Welcome to GAMAT Extract Emulsion
The Sea Cucumber (Stichopus chloronotus, S. variegatus, S. japonicus, and other related species in the family Holothurioidea) has been revered by Malay and Chinese cooks since ancient times. Mostly in Malay tradition to cure many kind of disease. Such as cough, asthma, acne or pimple and so on.

The research about seacucumber occur early 1980's in  University Kebangsaan Malaysia Kampus Sabah. Soon followed by other researched from University Malaya, University Sains Malaysia, University Putra Malaysia dan LKIM ( goverment researched ). The UKM still active to  study and make analyste bioactive substance in the seacucumber effectiveness. 20 people  were involve in this experiment.

Prof Dr Ridzwan Hashim as the leader of the experiment. For modern applications, the dried or extracted sea cucumber is useful as a nutritional supplement, prepared in orange extract, cream, gel, toothpaste, syampu, liniment oil, organic drink and etc.  The fully dried material has a protein concentration  as high as 83%. Whilst the UKM study on the body and seacucumber liquid celom consist more than 44% protein, carbohydrate between 3-5% and 1.5% fat. The gamat component consist of  essential amino acids, collagen, Vitamin E, and minerals such as chromium, ferum, cadmium, mangan, cabalt and zinc. Contain with important fatty acids such as EPA ( Omega Acid Eikosapentaeoik ) and DHA ( Omega Acids Dekosaheksaenoik ) also major role  to cure wound and anthithrombotik which is able to reduce  blood clot in the blood vessel. It also to reduce heart disease and stroke.  Both acid ( EPA & DHA ) also believe can slow down the degeneration process in cells even for anti - ageing. The bioactive substance in the seacucumber also effective for antioxidant to reduce skin damage and cells body. It is also important for body fertilization guaranty.

The anti bacteria and anti-fungus effectively  increase the potential of healing system especially skin treatment. Gamat also have the antinosiseptif for killing pain, even as anti-inflammation ( for pain and swollent joints and gristle. Reffering  to the  survey of the people of Kudat, Semporna, Setiu, Kuantan, Pekan and Pulau Pangkor  this improve that gamat / seacucumber as anti-hypertensi  ( reduce high blood pressure ). While the other study also prooves that it gives positive effection to cardiovascular system contractility heart.

From the Western medical viewpoint, the reason sea cucumber is valuable is because it serves as a rich source of the polysaccharide condroiton sulfate, which is well-known for its ability to reduce arthritis pain: as little as 3 grams per day of the dried sea cucumber has been helpful in significantly reducing arthralgia.  Its action is similar to that of glucosamine sulfate, which is useful for treating osteoarthritis.  Sulfated polysaccharides also inhibit viruses; there is a Japanese patent for sea cucumber chondroitin sulfate for HIV therapy.

What is seacucumber?
Sea cucumber any of the flexible, elongated echinoderms belonging to the class Holothuroidea. Although sea cucumbers have the basic echinoderm radial symmetry, they do not have arms like starfish. Instead the oral-anal distance is greatly increased, resulting in the typical cucumber-shaped body. Sea cucumbers live with one side facing permanently down. Like other echinoderms, sea cucumbers have a water-vascular system; the locomotor tube feet are concentrated in three areas on the ventral, or under, side, in some species forming a muscular, creeping sole. Some species burrow in sand or mud and have lost all tube feet. The leathery body wall contains minute, scattered skeletal ossicles, or bonelike plates; a few species have an armor of close-set plates. Some species eat bottom material, while others use tube feet modified as branched oral tentacles to capture particles or plankton and transfer them to the mouth.

Most sea cucumbers have highly branched tubes called respiratory trees attached to the intestine near the anus. Water is pumped in and out, facilitating respiratory exchange and excretion. In some species, branches called tubules of Cuvier, attached to or near the bases of the respiratory trees, are ejected when the organism is attacked; they swell and become sticky, entangling the pursuer. Many sea cucumbers eject most of the internal organs when sufficiently irritated, later regenerating a new set. Sea cucumbers have a single, branched gonad. Eggs are usually expelled into the sea where, after fertilization, free-swimming larvae develop. 

After a second larval stage, metamorphosis occurs and the adult body shape appears. Sea cucumbers occur in all seas and at all depths. Most do not exceed 1 ft (30.5 cm) in length, but Stichopus variegatus from the Philippines may reach 3 ft (91 cm) in length. Known as trepang or bĂȘche-de-mer, a number of species are caught along warm coasts of Australia and the East Indies. They are dried and sold in China for soup. Sea cucumbers are classified in the phylum Echinodermata, class Holothuroidea. 

To prepare the sea cucumber after it is collected, the internal organs are removed, and dirt and sand are washed out of the cavity.  It is then boiled in salty water and dried in the air to preserve it.  When readied for use in making food, it is softened in warm water and then boiled.

    According to analysis by principles of traditional Malay  medicine, the sea cucumber nourishes the blood and vital essence  (jing), nifies kidney qi (treats disorders of the kidney system,  including reproductive organs), and moistens dryness (especially of the    intestines).  It has a salty quality and warming nature.  Common uses     include treating weakness, impotence, debility of the aged, constipation due to intestinal dryness, and frequent urination.  Sea cucumber is  traditionally served in the form of a soup in chinese tradition.

From the chinese nutritional viewpoint, sea cucumber is an ideal tonic food.  It is higher in protein (at 55%) than most any other food except egg whites (at 99%), and it is lower in fat than most foods (less than 2%).  For nourishing essence and blood in persons who suffer from emaciation, it is combined in soup.  For impotence, frequent urination, and other signs of kidney deficiency, sea cucumber is cooked with mutton.  For yin and blood deficiency, especially manifesting as intestinal dryness, sea cucumber is combined with tremella (yiner, the silvery tree mushroom).

Chinese studies also reveal that sea cucumbers also contain saponin glycosides.  These compounds have a structure similar to the active constituents of ginseng, ganoderma, and other famous tonic herbs.  Additional Chinese studies indicate anticancer properties of both the sea cucumber saponins and the polysaccharides.

Bearing the seacucumber - Stichopus Hermani the most valuable seacucumber to treat all kind of disease. Located in Pulau Pangkor

The seacucumber smell stink and unpleasant but through  R&D they succeed to eliminate the unpleasant smell. Species of Stichopus Hermani Seacucumber become limp after exposed to the air.

Prof. Madya DR. Hassan Yaacob and the team from University Kebangsaan Malaysia for 7 years has conducted research on the efficacy of gamat extract. Research continued in cooperation with Kyoto University and Nihon University, Tokyo. Gamat has been shown many health benefits. The discovery was patented in the FDA with No.FKY2102

Year 1994: Award MINDEX / INNOTEX (Malaysia)
Year 1995: Hitachi Science Fellowship Award (Japan)

    * Gamat: sea animal without a backbone of the phylum Echinodermata
    * Gamat Sea Cucumber = = = Sea Cucumber Sea cucumbers = Haisom
    * In the world there are more than 2000 species of gamat; Malaysian waters there
      are more than 30 species gamat
    * Gamat Emulsion is made from species of Stichopus variegatus (Gamat Gold)

Gamat Ingredients:
    * Protein
    * Omega-3 (EPA & DHA)
    * Condroitin Sulfate & Mukopolisakarida
    * Minerals such as Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium, Zinc, Kuprum, Phosphorus,
      Iodine, Potassium, Sodium, Potassium, etc.
    * Vitamin E, Genisten, Beta caroten

The function of Omega-3:
    * Lowering cholesterol levels, cleanse the blood vessels
    * Anti-inflammatory
    * Overcoming inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis
    * "Cell Growth Factor" which will accelerate wound healing
    * Atherosclerosis Troubleshooting

Benefits of Gamat:
    * Blood circulation
    * Improve health and stamina
    * Weight control
    * Slowing monopause
    * Easing labor
    * Accelerating the puerperal
    * Smooth milk
    * Increase sexual power
    * Increase Vitality
    * Accelerate wound healing within and outside
    * Accelerating fracture healing
    * Tighten and smooth skin
    * Eliminate flex and acne
    * Addressing vulnerable joints, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
    * As an anti-inflammatory, Overcoming constipation
    * Lowering cholesterol levels, stabilize blood sugar
    * Supplements for heart health
    * blood vessels, Diabetes
    * Accelerate cell regeneration
    * Stimulate the growth of muscles, nerves, bones and skin

Patients should be consumed:
    * Cholesterol
    * Hypertension / High Blood
    * Stroke
    * Heart, heart hole
    * Diabetes / Diabetes
    * Sinusitis, Hemorrhoids / Ambein
    * Lever / Liver, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis
    * Lung - Lung, Lung Wet, TB
    * Joint Pain, Rheumatism
    * Oestoporosis / Liming
    * Broken / Fractured Bones
    * Acne, Ringworm, Eczema, Leprosy
    * Kids In The Growth
    * Hair Loss, Baldness
    * Nail growth is not good
    * Wound In / Out Injury
    * Cuts / accident
    * After the operation, After Childbirth
    * Fatigue Weak Condition, Not Powerful
    * Lunjut Age
    * Fertility, Improve Quality of sperm cells and eggs
    * Impotence / Weak lust
    * Measles
    * Gout
    * Gum
    * Migraine
    * Whitish
    * Cancer / Tumor
    * Constipation
    * Bloating
    * Asthma
    * No Appetite


Children: 2 x daily, 1 tsp (50-10 ml)
Adults: 2 x daily, 1 tablespoon

For the healing of skin, acne and wounds along with topical Gamat Vita Gel

To speed up the healing process should Gamat Emulsion OmegaSqua consumed with 1-2 eggs / day and the Chlorophyll 3 times a day.

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                     SutharyA Health Cares,

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