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[ Distributor / Stockist of M/s. K-Link Healthcare (India) Ltd.,]
At - Kerala & New Delhi, E-mail: sutharyahealthcares@gmail.com

K - Energy Touch

K- ENERGY TOUCH  is an amazing multipurpose product. Energy radiated from it increases the circulation of oxygen, thus we can use it not only on our own bodies, it can also be used to keep fruits, vegetables and other natural food stuffs fresh for long periods of time.

It transforms the molecular structure of water or any other liquid making it lighter and softer. Purifies and eliminates bacteria from food and water. When kept on our body it promotes better blood circulation, thus keeping the energy flow in our body stinky, which in turn prevents stress and keeps us calm. Increased energy flow in our bodies promotes faster wound healing.

Method of usage:

To be carried by the person, directly on the body or in the pocket. Can be kept under the pillow during sleep. Can be kept directly on area of pain/inflammation. Also can be placed under water bottles and foodstuff.

For Booking Orders & more details:-
                     SutharyA Health Cares,

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