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[ Distributor / Stockist of M/s. K-Link Healthcare (India) Ltd.,]
At - Kerala & New Delhi, E-mail: sutharyahealthcares@gmail.com

K - Golden Valley SOD

High Grade Rooibos RED TEA

1 Pack = 2 x 20 sachets

High quality Rooibos Tea, grown wild, harvested gentle - Natural Daily Pleasure

ROOIBOS SOD TEA - is a truly unique beverage with a full range of health benefits.A refreshing drink for all occasions which can be enjoyed both hot and cold, whether it/s the first thing in the morning, at normal tea time or as a relaxing drink just before bedtime.This functional health drink is suitable for all. Roibush tea is a unique drink from South Africa, grown wild and harvested gently throughout the year in the clean region of the Cedarberg mountains at the Cape of Good Hope.The ground in the highlands is extremely rich in minerals, Aspalathus Linearis is highly adapted to this base.The mild climate facilitates a natural and gentle sun drying.

The needle like plant leaves give the tea its unique smooth flavour. The ingredients also help for wellbeing and vitality.The number of appreciative tea drinkers has been growing steadily just since short time.Its outstanding flavour finds more friends world wide in South Africa Roibush Tea is also the national drink.The name Roibush or Red Bush stems from the red-brownish colour of the leaves, resulting from the fermentation. Golden Valley SOD tea contains anti oxidants which protect the body from the effects of free radicals.The enzyme Superoxy Dismutase SOD belongs to the most frequent enzymes within the human body.But with the coming of age the production process within the body decreases. Golden Valley SOD tea fosters this production and therefore can help with the empowerment of our immune system. Also the detoxifying processes of our liver can be boosted through this aromatic drink.

Beside the minerals Calcium, Potash, and Magnesium, Golden Valley SOD tea contains Iodium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, natural Fluorides, and Tannin.The phenolic acid (flavonoids) of the plant are known for their anti oxidant, anti bacterial, anti viral, anti inflammatory effects.Golden Valley SOD Tea contains 50 times more flavonoids (Rutin and Quercetin) than Green Tea.

All flavonoids are known for their beneficial effects on human health.

The tea is soothing and also helps with sleeping problems, because it doesn?t contain either caffeine nor teein. Because of its beneficial effects on health and especially because of its effects as anti oxidant Golden Valley SOD Tea is the optimal supplement to the cleansing, regulating and regenerating products from K-Link.

The Story of Rooibos Tea

Botanist Carl Humberg is known to have written the first report on roibush tea in 1772.But only in 1904 the Russian dealer Benjamin Ginsberg saw the marketability of the soothing drink and started to export the tea to Europe.Today roibush tea is used from tea connoisseurs in more than 130 countries world wide.

When Annique Theron gave her baby roibush tea mixed with milk in 1968, its problems of colic, vomiting and sleeplessness subsided. Many mothers followed her example successfully. In 1997 Anique Theron was awarded as best woman inventor of the year in Geneva."

From Rooibos Tea those persons can profit who :-

Suffer from constipation and other digestive problems
Have problems loosing weight
Suffer from skin irritations
Often are stressed and easily get exhausted
Suffer from sleeping problems
Have to take care of their cholesterol levels
Want to slow down the aging process of their skin.
In general you can enhance your health through the regular usage of Golden Valley SOD Tea.

Analysis of Rooibos tea

Ingredient mg/liter

Teeine 0,00
Caffeine 0,00
Tannin (tannic acid) 756,00
Potash 47,70
Calcium 36,00
Magnesium 30,00
Iodium 57,50
Iron 1,30
Copper 0,06
Manganese 1,18
Zinc 0,10
Fluoride 0,27

Golden Valley SOD High Grade Rooibos Tea is a truly unique beverage with a full range of health benefits that can be enjoyed both hot and cold as well as a refreshing drink on all occasion. 

Rooibos SOD Tea is a caffeine free tea with 50 times more SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) as well as other antioxidants not found in other tea, making Rooibos SOD Tea truly unique and far superior. 

Why Rooibos Tea?: 
  • Caffeine free tea herbal drink 
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals like: Calcium, fluoride, Magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium and zinc. Minerals that is important in the development of strong teeth and bones; helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, needed for proper nerve and muscle (including heart) function, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. It also regulates the water balance and electrolyte of the body. 
  • 50 times more SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) as well as other antioxidants not found in other tea, making Rooibos SOD Tea truly unique and far superior. 50 times more flavonoids than Green Tea. Flavonoids is known for their beneficial effects on human health, they have been reported to have antiviral, anti-allergic, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant activities. 
What are the benefits of Rooibos Tea? 
  • Calms or soothes nervous system. 
  • Help regulates sleeping patterns, headaches and insomnia. 
  • Dissolves and prevents cholesterol build-up 
  • Improves Blood Circulation and helps in regulation of blood pressure. 
  • Soothes stomach and digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ulcers and constipation. 
  • Relieves skin irritations like skin allergies, eczema and acne. 
  • Helps delay ageing process and enhances metabolism, due to the presence of Super Oxide Dismutase. 
Who needs Rooibos Tea? 
  • Those who suffer from constipation and other stomach disorders. 
  • Those with hypertension and other blood related problems, concerning blood circulation. 
  • Those who have difficulty losing weight. 
  • Those who have skin problems and allergies. 
  • Those who are stressful and easily fatigue. 
  • Those who have sleeping disorder. 
  • Those who wants to be healthy and be defended against diseases and illnesses. 
Golden Valley SOD High Grade Rooibos Teacontains S.O.D (Super Oxidant Dismutase) which acts as an anti-oxidant agent to keep free radicals in the body in check. If left unchecked, free radicals can initiate reactions that may cause cells to develop abnormalities. As an anti-oxidant, Rooibos scavenges on free radicals thereby preventing potential cell mutations or damage. Besides that, SOD also promotes healthy cell growth. 

Rooibosis is also a superb thirst-quencher. Imported from South Africa , Rooibos makes an ideal drink, either hot or chilled on its own or sweetened with honey or sugar and with or without milk. On a hot day, Rooibos can also be mixed with fruit juice. 

As Rooibos does not contain caffeine, it can be enjoyed in unlimited quantities for sportsmen. Its rich mineral contents IV iron, potassium, zinc, manganese and sodium can help restore the body's equilibrium after a strenuous workout. 

Rooibos is not only for drinking. In baking, Rooibos can be use to replace the liquid content of any recipe for added color and flavor. Rooibos also makes a superb base for soups, stews and sauces. 

100% Organic Rooibos Tea Limits Free Radical Damage! 

Free radical damage is a known cause of aging and in the formation of cancer and other diseases. Japanese scientist Matatoshi Nakano, has discovered that the adverse effect of free radicals in the process of aging and decline of the immune system is limited by the anti-oxidants in Red Bush Tea (Rooibos). 

And if you brew/boil Rooibos for longer than 10 minutes, the anti-oxidant activity becomes even much higher, resulting in even greater protection against the ravages of free radicals. 

Their research also found Red Bush Tea to be beneficial in the treatment of - 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Diabetes 
  • Mellitus 
  • Atherosclerosis 
  • Allergic diseases 
  • Various dermatus diseases 
  • Liver diseases 
  • Cataracts 
S.O.D (Super Oxidant Dismutase) is an anti-oxidant agent. 'Anti-oxidant' is a type of nutrient that activates highly reactive molecules called "free radicals". Free radicals are a by-product of normal chemical reaction called 'oxidation' which is a continuous process in our body. free radicals, if left unchecked, can initiate reactions that may cause cells to develop abnormalities. As an anti-oxidant, Rooibos scavenges on free radicals thereby preventing potential cell mutations or damage. More than that SOD also promotes healthy cell growth. 

Directions of preparing the SOD Rooibos Tea: 
  • Scald jug with boiling water. 
  • Put the suitable number of bags into the jug. One bag for about 1.5 liter of hot water. 
  • Pour hot boiled water into the jug (temperature 80 C). 
  • Pour after 2 - 3 minutes.

For Booking Orders & more details:-
                     SutharyA Health Cares,

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