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Diabetes Treatment - Insulin Pump

Insulin pumps are mostly used by people with Diabetes Type 1. However, more and more people with Type 2 are starting to use them.

Users say that the pump allows them to get the treatment to adapt to them, instead of the other way round as is the case with insulin injections. 

An Insulin Pump really can help you maintain your blood glucose levels with specific parameters. 

Delivers short acting insulin all day and night

The pump delivers short (rapid) acting insulin, around the clock, through a catheter placed under your skin. It separates your insulin dosage into the basal rate and the bolus dose.

Basal insulin

This is your normal level of blood insulin when you have not eaten or when you are asleep. Basal insulin is delivered constantly throughout the day and night. It is possible to set the pump so that amounts vary, depending on what time of day and night it is.

Bolus (extra)

When you eat your blood will need more insulin. You press buttons on the insulin pump which will give you a bolus - additional insulin. The bolus covers your increased insulin requirement because you have consumed carbohydrate.

If your blood glucose is too high you can take a bolus to bring it back down again.

Where do you have (wear) it?

Most people simply attach the pump to their belt or waistband using a clip or case. You can also keep it in your pocket. 

If you are wearing a dress you could attach it to your arm or leg under your clothes.

When sleeping many people place the pump next to them on the bed, place it under the pillow or attach it to their clothing.

Pump manufacturers say the pump is very rugged and will withstand being dropped on the floor or the occasional soaking. However, you should try to avoid that from happening.

Advantages of an insulin pump 
  • No more injections 
  • The pump is more accurate 
  • They improve A1C 
  • Blood glucose levels fluctuate less badly 
  • Easier diabetes management 
  • More leeway on your eating times 
  • More leeway on what you eat 
  • You can exercise without eating loads of carbs 
Insulin Pump Therapy


Source: Various
               SutharyA Health Cares

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