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Symptoms of Diabetes

People can often have diabetes and be completely unaware. The main reason for this is that the symptoms, when seen on their own, seem harmless. However, the earlier diabetes is diagnosed the greater the chances are that serious complications, which can result from having diabetes, can be avoided.

Here is a list of the most common diabetes symptoms:
  • Frequent urination
    Have you been going to the bathroom to urinate more often recently? Do you notice that you spend most of the day going to the toilet? When there is too much glucose (sugar) in your blood you will urinate more often. If your insulin is ineffective, or not there at all, your kidneys cannot filter the glucose back into the blood. The kidneys will take water from your blood in order to dilute the glucose - which in turn fills up your bladder.
  • Disproportionate thirst
    If you are urinating more than usual, you will need to replace that lost liquid. You will be drinking more than usual. Have you been drinking more than usual lately?
  • Intense hunger
    As the insulin in your blood is not working properly, or is not there at all, and your cells are not getting their energy, your body may react by trying to find more energy - food. You will become hungry.
  • Weight gain
    This might be the result of the above symptom (intense hunger).
  • Unusual weight loss
    This is more common among people with Diabetes Type 1. As your body is not making insulin it will seek out another energy source (the cells aren't getting glucose). Muscle tissue and fat will be broken down for energy. As Type 1 is of a more sudden onset and Type 2 is much more gradual, weight loss is more noticeable with Type 1.
  • Increased fatigue
    If your insulin is not working properly, or is not there at all, glucose will not be entering your cells and providing them with energy. This will make you feel tired and listless.
  • Irritability
    Irritability can be due to your lack of energy.
  • Blurred vision
    This can be caused by tissue being pulled from your eye lenses. This affects your eyes' ability to focus. With proper treatment this can be treated. There are severe cases where blindness or prolonged vision problems can occur.
  • Cuts and bruises don't heal properly or quickly
    Do you find cuts and bruises take a much longer time than usual to heal? When there is more sugar (glucose) in your body, its ability to heal can be undermined.
  • More skin and/or yeast infections
    When there is more sugar in your body, its ability to recover from infections is affected. Women with diabetes find it especially difficult to recover from bladder and vaginal infections.
  • Itchy skin
    A feeling of itchiness on your skin is sometimes a symptom of diabetes.
  • Gums are red and/or swollen - Gums pull away from teeth
    If your gums are tender, red and/or swollen this could be a sign of diabetes. Your teeth could become loose as the gums pull away from them.
  • Frequent gum disease/infection
    As well as the previous gum symptoms, you may experience more frequent gum disease and/or gum infections.
  • Sexual dysfunction among men
    If you are over 50 and experience frequent or constant sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction), it could be a symptom of diabetes.
  • Numbness or tingling, especially in your feet and hands
    If there is too much sugar in your body your nerves could become damaged, as could the tiny blood vessels that feed those nerves. You may experience tingling and/or numbness in your hands and feet.

    Diagnosis of diabetes

    Diabetes can often be detected by carrying out a urine test, which finds out whether excess glucose is present. This is normally backed up by a blood test, which measures blood glucose levels and can confirm if the cause of your symptoms is diabetes.

    If you are worried that you may have some of the above symptoms, you are recommended to talk to your Doctor or a qualified health professional.

    Ways - How to Prevent Diabetes

    Diabetes cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. Whether you fall in the high-risk category for diabetes, or are simply concerned for your health, do read the top 9 ways in which you avoid getting this disease 

    According to the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research, Education and Training in Diabetes, diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death in the world. This disease is of special relevance in India, as Indians tend to develop diabetes at an earlier age and at lower levels of obesity. 

    There are five simple ways to identify those who’re in the high-risk category for diabetes: 

    1. Those above the age of 40 

    2. Those with a positive family history of diabetes 

    3. People with increased abdominal fatness. If the waist circumference of a male is over 90 cms (35.4 in) and female is over 85 cms (33.4 in), he or she is at increased risk of developing diabetes. 

    4. Those considered at a pre-diabetes stage (Impaired fasting glucose >=110 mg/dl, impaired glucose tolerance 140-199 mg/dl) 

    5. Those leading a sedentary lifestyle 

    If any of the above five criteria are applicable to you, you should start making changes to your lifestyle immediately, in order to prevent getting diabetes. 

    1. Burn more calories that you consume 
    It is a healthy practice to consume fewer calories than you use. Eat foods that are not high in calories and increase your physical activity by walking more, taking the stairs whenever you can and making a conscious effort to stay active. 

    2. Be conscious of your measurements 

    A slim waist is not just a cosmetic vanity, it is also a sign of better health. As Indians, we have a tendency to gain weight around our midriffs and thus it’s very important to make an effort to keep the inches off. Experts suggest that women should keep their waist measurement below 80 cm (31.5 inches), and men below 90 cm (35.5 inches). 

    3. Start eating smaller, more frequent meals 

    Many of us follow the policy of eating three solid meals a day. Consider changing over to the divide and eat policy. So if you’re used to eating 4 chapattis, eat 2 now and 2 after a couple of hours. Also, whatever happens, don’t skip breakfast. 

    4. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet 

    It’s time to take control of what you eat. Make a conscious effort to include plenty of fruits (whole fruits are far better than juices) and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, in your diet. The benefits to your overall health, sense of well-being and looks will be immense. 

    5. Gain with whole grains 

    Wheat, brown rice and oats are far healthier for you than refined foods. Make them a part of your diet and keep diabetes at bay. 

    6. De-stress 

    Experts have found a strong correlation between stress and diabetes. Don’t simply accept stress as a part of modern living. There are many things you can do to avoid and reduce stress in your life. Practice yoga, take up meditation, exercise – the list is endless. Take steps to reduce stress in your life today.

    7. Quit smoking 

    If you needed another reason to quit smoking, here it is. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that a person who smoked 16 to 25 cigarettes a day was three times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than a non-smoker.

    8. Reduce salt intake 
    Hypertension and diabetes have a very close connection. In fact, the prevalence of hypertension in the diabetic population is twice that of the non-diabetic population. So if you have any of the risk factors of diabetes or hypertension, take care of reducing your salt intake. 

    9. Check your blood sugar and cholesterol levels 
    If you fall in the high-risk group, i.e., if you have a family history of diabetes, along with any one of the risk factors listed above, you must get regular blood sugar and cholesterol checks. 


    Next Page: What is insulin?

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