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[ Distributor / Stockist of M/s. K-Link Healthcare (India) Ltd.,]
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Kinotakara – FAQ's

Kinotakara – Frequently Asked Questions....

Q. What are Kinotakara pads used for?

Kinotakara pads are used for:
  • Extracting toxins from our blood vessels, lymphatic system, nervous system, etc.
  • Removing bodily pains.
  • Energising our body as it contains between 1,200 and 1,700 counts of negative ion per cc per second.
Q. What kind of toxins can Kinotakara extract?

It may extract heavy metals like:
  • Mercury
  • Arsenic
  • Lead
  • Nickel
  • Aluminium
  • Chromium
  • Cadmium
  • Thallium (causes hair loss)
  • etc.
It may also extract:
  • PCB (plastic by product which is inhaled)
  • Benzene
  • Nicotine
  • Narcotics
  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides
  • Dyes
  • Various toxic alcohol substances
  • etc.
In short it may extract just about any toxin that does not belong in the body ¨

No toxins should belong in the body anyway.

Q. Why do we need to bother with the removal of heavy metals?
  • It is absolutely necessary to remove heavy metals from our body because any free radical that meets a heavy metal molecule will produce thousands of new free radicals. 
  • Any of these newly spawned free radicals meeting a heavy metal molecule will once again produce thousands of new free radicals and so on. 
  • Therefore in a short space of time it is possible to produce millions or billions of free radicals. If our body is not equipped with sufficient antioxidants, this avalanche of free radicals may overwhelm our immune system. 
  • Unchecked free radicals may destroy the DNA; when this happens, the cell would normally die; but if the cell does not die but continue to mutate then this may be the start of a cancer growth or various diseases. 
  • To prevent this, it is important to ensure that we do not accumulate heavy metals in our body. 
  • To remove heavy metals already accumulated in our blood, lymphatic, nervous system, etc., use Kinotakara pain & toxin removal pads.
Q. How many Kinotakara pads are there in a box?
  • In each box of Kinotakara, there are 10 pieces of individually wrapped Kinotakara pads. 
  • It also comes with 10 pieces of adhesive fixing sheets which are used to hold the Kinotakara pads against the skin. 
  • Each Kinotakara pad is wrapped in a clear plastic wrapper to prevent exposure to air which causes it to oxidise. Do not remove the pad from its clear plastic wrapper until it is time to apply it.
Q. How is Kinotakara applied?
  • Kinotakara is applied externally. 
  • It is NEVER to be taken internally. 
  • Remove the Kinotakara pad from its clear plastic wrapper. 
  • Remove the backing from a piece of the adhesive fixing sheet and stick the Kinotakara pad square in the middle of the fixing sheet with the copper foil side of the pad right against the fixing sheet. 
  • Stick the adhesive to the skin of any affected area or the sole of the foot. 
  • Please note that the white part of the pad should always rest right against the skin.
Q. How many Kinotakara pads should I apply each time?
  • An adult would normally apply a pair of pads each time: one pad to each foot. 
  • It is okay to apply more than 1 pad to a foot. 
  • One may even choose to stick 3 pads to each sole thereby using 6 pads at once as one has 2 feet. 
  • A little child would normally require only one pad at a time although it is okay to use a pair at a time.
Q. You mentioned free radicals. What are they?
  • From a simple lay perspective, a free radical is a molecule that has one electron missing. This state renders the free radical highly reactive and it will not rest until it has satisfied its need to have the missing electron replaced. If the free radical encounters any antioxidant (say, a Vitamin C molecule), the former will grab an electron from the latter. This acquiring of the electron from the antioxidant will stop the free radical from being a free radical anymore.
  • However, if the free radical, in its quest to seek out an electron does not encounter any antioxidant then this free radical will most likely rob an electron from the DNA. This damages the integrity of our cells and may lead to various diseases including cancers and heart problems.
  • As was mentioned previously, a free radical may produce thousands of new free radicals when it encounters a heavy metal molecule (say, Mercury). To prevent such an overwhelming production of free radicals, it is important that we rid our body of heavy metals. One may accomplish this by using Kinotakara pads.
Q. Is Kinotakara an original or copy cat brand?
  • Kinotakara is the very original and the very best of all such health pads. Many other such pads may boast of the 26 years of research that Dr. Kawase Itsuko and Dr Takao Matsushita of Japan put in, to perfect their pads but in truth, the 26 years of research was put into deriving Kinotakara and not other brands. 
  • K-Link International has the exclusive right to market Kinotakara worldwide. K-Link has proven with a sensitive negative ion testing machine that only the Kinotakara brand contains between 1,200 and 1,700 counts of negative ion per cc. 
  • All copy cat brands including the ones that boasted of 1,000 counts of negative ion were measured to have between zero and 20 counts; very rarely would the odd copy cat brand measure close to 100 counts which is still a mere fraction of Kinotakara's. 
  • To prove the superiority of Kinotakara pads, even one year old used Kinotakara pads have more than 1,000 counts of negative ion per cc. This shows that the raw materials and quality control in the production of Kinotakara are unsurpassed. Hence, it is important that we do not short change ourselves by purchasing any copy cat brand. The benefit cost analysis of Kinotakara is unsurpassed.
Q. What is the minimum number of hours to leave the Kinotakara pain & toxin removal pads on for?
  • Leave the pads on for at least 8 hours.
Q. What is the maximum number of hours to leave the pads on for?
  • There is no absolute maximum as the extracted toxins will not return back into the body but the recommended practical maximum is 12 to 24 hours.
Q. Should the Kinotakara pads stay almost dry (white) after the first application?
  • Not normally. Right from the very first application, the pads should be of a dark colour like dark grey, dark brown, dark green or even black. 
  • If the pads are mainly dry (white) after the first application, one may choose to re use them. Ensure that the white part of the pads have a full and good contact with the skin.
Q. Is there a best practice recommended for those who want to optimise the application of Kinotakara?

  • The pores of the skin are wide open after a hot bath or hot shower, hence that is the best time to apply the Kinotakara pads, after drying the skin.
  • Alternatively, soak the feet for 10 minutes in a trough of very warm water with a couple of teaspoons of salt added. 
  • Gently massage the soles of the feet in the saline solution to remove dirt. This 10 minute very warm water soak will open the pores of the skin. Dry the feet and apply the Kinotakara pads.
  • The best time to wear the Kinotakara pads is while one is asleep. The housekeeping exercises that our body performs when we are asleep are ideal for removing the toxins from our body. 
  • One may choose to apply the Kinotakara pads a few hours before bedtime to provide a longer duration for our body to detoxify.
  • It is recommended to wear socks over the pads to keep the feet warm and to absorb any possible overflow of the pads. The overflow on the socks (if any) washes off easily.
Q. May I wear the Kinotakara pads during the day?

  • Although it is better to wear the Kinotakara pads at night while one is asleep, it is alright to wear the pads during the day as well. 
  • This is especially true for those who intend on wearing the pads for 12 to 24 hours.
Q. What is the recommended frequency of usage of the Kinotakara pads?
  • Ideally, for the average adults, apply Kinotakara pads daily for the first month and then reduce the frequency to once every 2 to 3 days. 
  • One may notice that the pads may eventually stay drier as less toxic bodily fluids are extracted from the body.

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                         SutharyA Health Cares,

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