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Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant species that probably originated in northern Africa. The species does not have any naturally occurring populations, although closely related aloes do occur in northern Africa. The species is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine since the beginning of the first century AD. Extracts from Aloe Vera are widely used in the cosmetics and alternative medicine industries, being marketed as variously having rejuvenating, healing or soothing properties. There is, however, little scientific evidence of the effectiveness or safety of Aloe Vera extracts for either cosmetic or medicinal purposes, and what positive evidence is available is frequently contradicted by other studies.

Aloe Vera has a remarkable structure and an incredible list of ingredients. But does it really help your health?

Yes! But.. to gain maximum benefit from Aloe Vera you do really need to understand it's structure and contents. Once you understand this, you can chose your products carefully and know how best to take them so those important ingredients are still there. You can then experience the great benefits that this plant has to offer.

I am sure you have seen the advertising slogan 'With Aloe Vera' on so many things we buy!

However, please think before you waste your money if seeing this on the label is your reason for buying a certain product. I'm afraid that in most high street products there is usually so little Aloe in them and it's of such questionable quality, that it will almost certainly not help your health.

Firstly...about the plant
There are over 240 species of Aloe, but it is only Aloe Barbadensis that has the potency that sees great results. Aloe Vera looks like a cactus but it is actually a member of the onion and garlic familiy (it is not a surprise that these have medicinal qualities too!).

The Species grows in warm climates and sadly cannot tolerate frost, but in colder climates it can be grown on the window sill of a warm sunny room, however, it is unlikely that it will grow to full maturity.

In it's ideal location in hot countries it can grow between 2 and 3 feet (up to 90cm) and grows in a rosette like formation with it's leaves. The plant has a life span of around 12 years and at between 3 - 4 years the outer leaves can be carefully cut by hand from the base 2 - 3 times a year to extract the inner mucilage layer and gel.

This is where all the good ingredients are stored.

How the leaves are harvested is vital to maintain it's full potency and consequently maximum health benefit, and to avoid the substances present in the rind and sap.

The Structure of the leaf is basically made up of:
  • The Rind - which is the tough outer layer and is where the synthesis and production of all the nutrients in Aloe Vera takes place 
  • The Sap - which is bitter and contains anthraquinones (which we will look at) 
  • The Mucilage layer - this is rich in long chain sugars called polysacharides (which we will look at as well) 
  • The Inner Leaf Gel - this Gel is sterile and can be used immediately and contains a most of nutrients in the Aloe Vera plant 
So... what does the plant contain?

Lets start with the sap layer of the plant.

There are 12 anthraquinones found in the sap layer. Traditionally, these have been thought to be powerful laxatives and in high concentrations that can be the case.

However, when just using the gel from a hand harvested leaf they are only in relatively low levels and actually have real beneficial properties. They can help the digestive system by strengthening the digestive muscle (if you have irritable bowel syndrome). Anthraquinones can also be an effective natural pain killers, have anti viral, anti bacterial, and anti fungal properties.

This is why it is so important to know how your aloe has been harvested and processed and how much actual Aloe Vera Gel is in the product you are buying. (It should be the first listed ingredient to at least give you some indication that it is in high enough concentration).

The Inner Leaf Gel is where the endless list of properties are stored! I have begun with the nutrients that are vital for general well being and for the body to work smoothly on a daily basis.

Amino Acids
The body requires 20 amino acids and we are only able to make 12 of these in the body. The other 8 are called the essential amino acids as we have to eat them within food to obtain them. Aloe Vera contains 19 out of the 20 amino acids and 7 out of 8 of the essential ones, which is incredible and there is increasing evidence now that it contains all 8 essential amino Acids.

Generally amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which aid growth and repair and brain function. Each amino acid has a specific role to play within the body. (An excellent comprehensive book to learn more about the aloe plant and its uses is, 'Aloe Vera, Nature's silent healer' by Alasdair Barcroft & Dr Audun Myskja)

The simplest way to explain these is using Dr. Peter Athertons book 'Aloe Vera The Medicine Plant' which is another great book and perhaps easier reading than Alisdair's (Dr Atherton is one of the World Leaders in Aloe Vera)

The Plant contains a number of enzymes that are really important for the body to function well and can be divided into 2 groups: Some have the role of aiding the digestive system by breaking down the nutrients we eat in the gut and some have anti-inflammatory properties.

In terms of aiding irritable bowel syndrome both these are so beneficial. Any inflammation of the bowel lining is helped and the breakdown of our food happens smoothly.

Most of us are aware of the importance of minerals which are vitally required by the body to run efficiently. The ones present in the gel are:
  • Calcium: Helps teeth, bones, muscle contraction and heart function 
  • Chromium: Helps control blood sugar levels and is really important for diabetics (A daily intake of aloe gel has been known to really help diabetics control their blood sugar levels 
  • Copper: is essential in red blood cells and helps the iron in the red blood cells transport oxygen round the body 
  • Iron: again is vital in red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body (a lack of it causes anemia) 
  • Magnesium: works with calcium in bone and teeth formation as well has aiding the muscle and nervous system 
  • Manganese: these help activate enzymes and speed up reactions 
  • Potassium: helps balance the fluid in the body and is important for nerve impulses 
  • Sodium: like potassium helps balance body fluid and is involved in the nerve impulse mechanism 
  • Zinc: this is very important in breaking down carbohydrates, fats and proteins and is really important in means health 
The only main mineral not present in Aloe is Seleninm which is important for maintaining a healthy immune system and is linked with antioxidants and preventing cancer.

Vitamins are always in the limelight as they are another vital requirement of the body to run efficiently. The ones present in the gel are:
  • A, C and E: these are the antioxidants that fight all the free radical damage we sustain on a daily basis. All 3 also help the immune system, particularly Vitamin C which also helps with healing wounds 
  • The B vitamins, (B1, B2, B3, B6): these are needed for production of energy in metabolism and brain function 
  • B12: This is essential in the production of red blood cells and is one of the rare plants that it is found in so taking Aloe Vera is a great way for vegetarians to avoid getting anaemia 
  • Folic Acid: again, very important for production of red blood cells 
The rest of the ingredients in Aloe Vera have different properties:
  • Lignins: There is really no known medical properties of lignins but they seem to give the aloe vera gel it's ability to penetrate the epidermis layer of the skin down to the dermis (which is why it helps skin problems and burns) 
  • Saponins: These are soapy substances that contain antiseptic cleansing properties 
  • Sugars: Aloe contains monosaccharides (such as glucose and fructose) and ploysaccharides, the main one being acemannan which has been shown to restore and boost the immune system, is anti viral and stimulates the production of white blood cells 
  • Plant Sterols: these have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties 
  • Salicylic Acid: This substance is similar to asprin in that they are pain killing and anti-inflammatory. 
Certification / IASC
Only use IASC approved Aloe Vera in the toothpaste, Aloe Vera Original. IASC stands for International Aloe Science Council and is a cooperation and control organization in order to protect consumer interest and provide a quality certification that guarantees a certain minimum quality of the Aloe Vera that are marketed over the world.

The growing popularity of Aloe Vera

In recent years it has been rediscovered by large numbers of people who have found it very effective topically for sunburn, skin infections, wound healing, eczema, psoriasis, athletes foot and so on. Taken internally it is extremely popular for those who have arthritis, asthma, hay-fever irritable bowel syndrome, digestive problems, constipation and a whole host of other disorders.

A short independent video from YouTube showing
Aloe Vera being used to treat a cut on a hand

But, like any product that is effective, there are many questionable companies out there trying to take advantage of it to make a quick buck by creating cheap and ineffective packaged versions of aloe vera.

This, along with a lack of medical research (for good reason) has led to mixed reports on its success and also to people misusing the plant and suffering side effects.

Aloe Vera in it's mature but raw form is the most potent, just like freshly squeezed orange juice, but it does not grow in European climates and so has to be processed in some way so it can be transported from its native lands in the Americas or Africa.

Generally speaking the more 'processing' that occurs, the less useful Aloe Vera becomes until by the time it reaches tablet or pill form it is very limited in what it can do. See Good Quality Aloe Vera for more on this.

Its never ends....................

SutharyA Health Cares,

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